The Upper Austrian Reinhalteverband Mühltal & Region Böhmerwald comprises 24 municipalities and manages about 1,000 km of sewer, 18,000 sewer shafts, 300 pumping stations, 60 storm water basins and 5 sewage treatment plants. One of the storm water basins, the Erletbasin near Ulrichsberg, consists of two storagepipes each 30 m long and 2,000 mm in diameter.The pipes store the rainwater and retain it beforeit enters the main sewer towards the Ulrichsberg sewage treatment plant. The outflow is reduced by a throttle weigher at the outlet of thestructure. For reasons of operational safety and the throttle and in view of growing demands on the sewer management, an alternate throttle solution was required which would also measurethe flow.
Ultrasonic transit time difference flow measurement for wastewater, raw wastewater and rainwater
Highly precise flow value acquisition. The LDM is a calibrated measuring device for backflow-free flow measurement of waste water in open channels or free flowing lines. 10 flow velocity measuring sections distributed over the entire cross section provide most accurate flow values when the sensor is partially or fully filled. The level measurement is integrated in the device housing.