The Region Oberes Simmental sewage treatment plant treats sewage of the municipalities of Lenkand Zweisimmen. The largest inflow passes through the Galgenbühl storm overflow basin, other inflows originate in the area of Mannried and the Grubenwald pumping station. During rainy spells the inflow from Mannried often causes overload conditions in the sewage treatment plant. Separation of the rainwater in Mannried and active throttling in the Galgenbühl stormoverflow basin should solve the problem. Needed was a dynamic control system on the basis of the volumes measured as well as better measuring equipment and control of the sewage treatment plant. To this end, the hydromechanical throttle in the Galgenbühl storm overflow basin was replaced by a pneumatic outflow controller so that the inflow to the sewage treatment plan was adaptable to the hydraulic conditions irrespective of the weather.
The reliable discharge control for wastewater and rainwater
Precise and easy to maintain throttle system for stormwater tanks and wastewater structures. The fast, almost self-cleaning and remotely controllable butterfly valve with pneumatic actuator is based on the flow measurement integrated in the system and limits the flow to an arbitrarily adjustable quantity. As long as the maximum flow is not reached, the flap remains open, while the flow measurement system measures precisely even when partially filled.