Lecture day
“Water. Automation. Human.”
03.09.2021, Mattenstrasse 6a, 2555 Brügg
14.00 – 14.30 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Helmut Habersack, BOKU University Vienna
A new hydraulic engineering laboratory in Vienna offers BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna) unique working opportunities worldwide to solve scientific and practical questions on the topics of flood protection, watercourse morphology, sediment transport, hydropower and ecology. The central core of the new infrastructure are two experimental halls with a total of 3,500 square metres of experimental space. Due to the difference in water level between the Danube and the Danube Canal, flows of up to 10 m³/s are possible without pumps. For precise flow control, STEBATEC uses a “PNA Pneumatic Discharge Control” of nominal size 1000. The size of the so-called “Main Channel” makes it possible to carry out tests on a scale of 1:1 – so conditions that occur in the field, especially during flood events, can be simulated and examined with the level of detail of a laboratory test.